Monday, June 30, 2008

To blog or micro-blog???

I am sure i am like many new bloggers... start a blog for a good solid purpose... write a few blogs... and then... well... run out of time.

It's what i feared when i started it, but didn't realise that as i embarked on it i would become addicted to alternative outlets. I have become a micro-blogger!! I started my addiciton with Twitter, and then it progressed to include Plurk... and i must say Plurk has kept my interest. I have not only 'met' some interesting people and learned some interesting things, from information about social media to some very amusing discussions about a toddlers reaction to Plurk.

Whilst i still agree there is a very valid reason for having a blog (I am currently writing an entry now, so i must), it sometimes feels like I am writing to no one but me. Which is okay in itself, but part of my purpose of of blogging, is to engage in discussion about the changing landscape of communications. I am finding i am getting far greater interaction via networks such as Plurk and Twitter. It will be interesting to come back to this in six months and see what i am using then! No doubt it will be something different... perhaps a hybrid Plitter?

If you'd like to interact with me in the micro-blogging world ( or you can find me as 'verbaw' - just connect to me and i'll accept your friendship! But by all means leave me a comment - it'll make me feel like it's being read by at least one person other than me!