Thursday, August 28, 2008

Plurking or tweeting... which is your choice?

I have been swaying back and forth between Plurk and Twitter over the last three months... After a rather strong addiciton to Plurk initially, i broke free and had a break. It was needed as i had become emotionally invested, not through sharing personal information, but i had started to lead a virtual world in some ways and that kind of scared me.

So i went back to twitter, but not in an involved way, more as a voyeur. Then just this week i returned to the plurking world... to anyone who knows it, you'd know that my kaarma was 0.00... a terribly uninspiring return... but i started conversations again... and my old mates commented and i felt a part of the community again.

To me something about plurk seems to embrace someone like me far more than Twitter, which seems to generally be a very individual and less engaging flow... I am not saying either is a failure, but acknowledging that as they are structured differently they will engage people differently. For my way of interacting i feel i learn more and have more time to browse with Plurk... but some very important failings stop me from being completely positive about the experience. The fact that you can't track conversations you're in makes it very hard work.

Either way, both have been pretty good at enabling me to be short n sharp with my point. A friend commented the other day that i was the most succinct txter she knows. I am pretty sure she wouldn't have any tweople or plurkers as friends... so i wonder if this has had an influence. I think this is a new topic to be explored next post...