Monday, August 11, 2008

Cloud computing... no... Cloud Parenting!

As i drove to swimming lessons this morning, I zoned out of the banter/screeching going on in the back seat and was productively planning the rest of my day. Then i had a slight light bulb moment of 'hey - how did i plan that so clearly... normally it feels much harder'.

It's a little hard to explain to non-parents (and this certainly is not an anti post in anyway shape or form) and even non-full time caring parents that mostly your brain is just a fuzzy mess of absolutely everything... but it's not due to a lack of brain cells or capability, but because there is so much going on it's like a one of those clever visualisations of what the connected SocialMedia world looks like... a bit of a jumble really.

I recently read a friend's posts about her busy life, but from the different perspective of a Hong Kong mum. One thought that really struck home was the comment that she's busy by choice, I assume she meant that unlike her Aussie friends who were just bloody busy due to lack of help, she had the hired help to enable her to do it all.

I am not sure that's totally true that we are busy without choice; much of my busy-ness is 'self-inflicted' because I want to do it all. However, i have had to set self imposed limitations on the amount of things i get involved in - basically and inbuilt barometer telling me to stop or it will affect my family.

Over the last year, i have had to conciously focus on not getting so worked up, stressed and busy because it was affecting my family. My husband, who's job is rather stressful, was being affected by my stress, as were my kids... it's been a physical reaction for my husband with his skin being the outlet of the stress. The kids behaviour was their outlet... So I assessed and changed. But a big thing i've noticed is that it's affecting my 'clarity' so whilst my 'cloud parenting' is partially due to my busy-ness it's also because i have become less 'stressed' about it all... kind of 'mushy mum brain'. Hmmm... perhaps there is a switch i can turn... on 'Focussed Working Busy Mum' to 'Chilled out Happy Smiley Good Wife and Mum'... i'll let you know if i find it!


Mrs Tai Tai said...

Make sure you check out my last entry...